Manuál Panasonic SL-PH660 Diskmen

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Troubleshooting guide
Before requesting service, make the below checks. If you
are in doubt about some of the check points, or if the
remedies indicated in the chart do not solve the problem,
consult your dealer for instructions.
No play.
The batteries may be depleted (page 3).
The disc isn’t correctly set.
The disc is scratched or dirty.
There is moisture on the lens. Wait for about an hour
and then try again.
If there is no data between sessions on a multi-
session disc, play may not be possible.
If the disc contains data with different formats, sound
may be muted and play may not be possible.
No sound or there is a lot of noise.
Turn the volume up.
Keep this unit away from mobile telephones.
The elapsed play time disappears and sound is
interrupted if bumps continue repeatedly.
Play doesn’t start from the first track.
Random play mode may be on (page 4).
The unit stops working.
Disconnect and reconnect the AC adaptor or remove
and reinsert the batteries.
The battery indicator fails to appear correctly.
The indicator does not appear when the AC adaptor
is connected.
The indicator may not appear correctly under certain
There is a lot of noise while listening to the radio.
Keep the unit away from other tuners and televisions.
The AM antenna is in the unit, so noise may increase
if you hold the unit.
You haven’t inserted a disc or it isn’t inserted
You have inserted a disc that this unit cannot play.
The disc lid is open.
Do any maintenance in low humidity areas and make
sure that your hands are dry.
To clean this unit, wipe with a soft, dry cloth.
Never use alcohol, paint thinner, or benzine to clean this
Before using chemically treated cloth, read the
instructions that came with the cloth carefully.
After using the unit in high humidity areas
such as bathrooms or kitchens
Wipe off moisture on the unit with a soft dry cloth.
Thoroughly wipe any moisture that has gathered in
the speaker holes.
If the unit is dropped in, or splashed by
1 Press [ OFF] to turn the unit off.
2 While the CD lid is closed, wipe off any moisture on
the cabinet with a soft dry cloth.
3 Wipe off any moisture inside the CD lid and battery
compartment and on the battery with a soft dry
Lens care
Clean the lens regularly to prevent malfunctions.
Use a blower to remove dust
and a cotton swab if it is
extremely dirty.
Recommended product: Lens
cleaner kit (SZZP1038C).
Frequency range:
FM; 87.50–108.00 MHz (50 kHz steps)
AM; 522–1629 kHz (9 kHz steps)
CD player
Sampling frequency: 44.1 kHz
Decoding: 16 bit linear
Beam source: Semiconductor laser
wavelength 780 nm
Number of channels: 2 channel, stereo
Frequency response: 100 Hz–16 kHz (6 dB down)
Wow and flutter:
Less than possible measurement data
D/A converter: MASH (1 bit DAC)
Speakers: Full range 5 cm, Round 4
x 2
Output power: 330 mW + 330 mW (RMS…max.)
Power supply:
DC input (via included AC adaptor): DC 4.5 V
batteries: DC 3 V Parallel (4 R6/LR6, AA batteries)
AC adaptor input: AC 230 V, 50 Hz
Power consumption: AC adaptor 8 W
Dimensions (W x H x D):
234.5 mm x 180.5 mm x 70 mm
Mass: 850
g (with batteries)
g (without batteries)
Waterproofing: JIS (Japan Industrial Standards)
splash-resistant specification*
* Splashing water from any direction shall have no
harmful effect.
Play time (Batteries used: 4 alkaline batteries)
[Approximate times (at 25°C, on a flat, stable surface, S-
XBS is off)]
CD-DA disc: 22 hours
RADIO (FM BAND): 25 hours
The play time may be less depending on the
operating conditions.
Play time will be considerably reduced when playing
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Mass and dimensions are approximate.
Regarding CDs
Note on CD-R and CD-RW
This unit can play CD-R and CD-RW recorded with
CD-DA. Use an audio recording disc for CD-DA and
finalize* it when you finish recording.
The unit may not be able to play some discs due to the
condition of the recording.
* A process performed after recording that enables
CD-R/CD-RW players to play audio CD-R and CD-
Choose discs with this mark:
Do not;
use irregularly shaped CDs.
attach extra labels and stickers.
use CDs with labels and stickers that
are coming off or with adhesive exuding from under
labels and stickers.
attach scratch-proof covers or any other kind of
write anything on the CD.
clean CDs with liquids (Wipe with a soft, dry cloth.).
SL-PH660EG_E.indd 7 2/22/2005 11:47:05 AM
Stáhnout manuál v český (PDF, 41.78 MB)
(Zvažte dopad na životní prostředí a tento manuál si vytiskněte pouze v případě, že výtisk skutečně potřebujete)



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Zde můžete sdílet, co si myslíte o Panasonic SL-PH660 Diskmen. Máte-li dotaz, nejprve si pozorně přečtěte návod. Žádost o příručku lze provést pomocí našeho kontaktního formuláře.

Více o tomto návodu

Chápeme, že je hezké mít k vašemu Panasonic SL-PH660 Diskmen papírovou příručku. Manuál si můžete vždy stáhnout z našich webových stránek a vytisknout si jej sami. Pokud byste chtěli mít originální příručku, doporučujeme vám kontaktovat Panasonic. Možná by byli schopni poskytnout originální návod. Hledáte příručku ke svému Panasonic SL-PH660 Diskmen v jiném jazyce? Vyberte si preferovaný jazyk na naší domovské stránce a vyhledejte číslo modelu, abyste zjistili, zda jej máme k dispozici.


Značka Panasonic
Modelka SL-PH660
Kategorie Diskmeny
Typ souboru PDF
Velikost souboru 41.78 MB

Všechny návody pro Panasonic Diskmeny
Další manuály Diskmeny

Často kladené otázky o Panasonic SL-PH660 Diskmen

Náš tým podpory vyhledává užitečné produktové informace a odpovídá na často kladené otázky. Pokud v nich najdete nějakou nepřesnost, kontaktujte nás prostřednictvím našeho kontaktního formuláře.

Mohu si škrábance na CD opravit sám? Ověřeno

Škrábance zabraňují de laseru ve správném čtení disku. Pokud jsou škrábance pouze povrchové, je možné je opravit sami vyleštěním disku lehce abrazivní směsí. V ideálním případě použijete profesionální brusnou směs, ale můžete také použít běžnou zubní pastu. Po vyleštění disku je nutné jej umýt a nechat zaschnout. Existují specializované podniky, které to dokážou.

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Manuál Panasonic SL-PH660 Diskmen

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