Manuál Panasonic SB-ZT1 Reproduktor

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Control guide
TEST terminal
ID switch
As this system uses a frequency band of 2.4 GHz, the radio waves
may be interrupted by an obstacle. Depending on the surrounding
environment (i.e. radio wave interruption from outside, etc.) or the
building structure where this system is used (i.e. wall that easily
reflects radio waves, etc.), sounds may be cut or noise may occur.
Install this system properly paying attention to the following descriptions.
Equipment certification
As this system received Technical Conditions compliance certi cation
based on the Radio Law, the wireless station license is not required.
However, if you do the following actions to this system, you may be
punished by law.
Disassemble or refurbish
Restrictions for use
Domestic use only.
Use this system in the same room.
Do not place an obstacle between the main unit (SC-ZT1) and
waves from this system reach maximum range of 15 m in the
same room. If there is an obstacle between the main unit (SC-ZT1) and
speakers or the main unit (SC-ZT1) is placed at the height of 50 cm or
below from the floor, the
waves reach smaller range.
Keep this system away from equipment that generates radio
wave interference.
If the following equipment is located near the system, install this
system away from such equipment.
Bluetooth, OA devices, telephone, etc.: approx. 3 m or more
Microwave oven, wireless LAN compatible devices: approx. 3 m
or more
This system is designed to automatically avoid radio wave interference
with such household equipment. If radio wave interference occurs, the
Wireless Link display ( page 16 of SC-ZT1 Operating Instructions)
may blink, the sounds from speakers may be interrupted or noise may
These phenomena occur when this system selects a proper
frequency. These are not malfunctions.
Keep this system away from metal objects that tend to reflect
radio waves.
If there are metal objects or furniture in the room where this system is
waves tend to be reflected. Depending on the listening-
viewing position, sounds may be interrupted or noise may occur. These
symptoms may be remedied by slightly moving this system’s position.
Note that radio waves tend to be reflected also when this system is
installed in rooms with a lot of activity.
There is no positional distinction for each speaker before setting.
Make sure to place the speakers on a flat, stable surface so
there is no danger of them falling over.
When carrying speakers, hold the pole and base parts. (below)
The speakers of this system are not magnetically shielded. Do
not install this system near a CRT-based television.
Make sure the base parts are not covered by cloth such as a curtain.
Before attaching the leg cushion (included) on the base parts to
prevent tilt or rattle on the floor, make sure there are no people in
the surrounding area.
Set the distance from each speaker to the listening-viewing position.
(page 24 of SC-ZT1 Operating Instructions)
Setup example
Front speaker
Front speaker
Connected equipment
Main unit
speaker (right)
Supplied accessories/AC mains lead connection/Installation/Control guide
Aim the front face (with Panasonic logo) of each speaker at the
listening-viewing position for setting.
Place the surround speakers slightly at the back right and left of the listening-viewing position.
Wireless functions
Please check and identify the supplied accessories.
Use numbers indicated in parentheses when asking for replacement parts.
(Product numbers correct as of April 2009. These may be subject to change.)
Supplied accessories differ depending on the symbols
(E, GN, GS) indicated on the packaging box.
Use correct accessories according to the region for use.
Supplied accessories
Speaker (with built-in amplifier)
TEST terminal: This is used to check the product operation status.
Only used in factory. Do not insert a foreign object.
ID switch: This is used to check the product operation status and not
used regularly.
Pole (mid-high part)
Side view
AC inlet ( left)
[WIRELESS LINK] indicator ( right
When the unit is connected to the AC mains
supply, this indicator lights red in standby mode
and lights green when the unit is turned on.
Unit on/off button (l ^ k I) ( right page)
Use this button to turn the unit on and off.
l (off): The unit is in standby mode.
k (on): The unit is on.
The unit is still using a small amount of power in
the standby. Standby uses less power.
2 AC mains leads
For E
(For continental Europe)
(For the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland)
For GN
(For Australia and New Zealand)
For GS
(For Saudi Arabia, Kuwait,
Malaysia and Hong Kong)
For GS
(For Thailand)
(For others)
For GS
2 AC mains lead adapters (K2DAYYY00002)
f AC mains leads will not fit your socket, use AC mains lead adapters.
Leg cushions (1 sheet: 8 pieces) (RFA3045)
Keep the leg cushion out of reach of children to prevent swallowing.
To save power when the system is not to be used for a long time,
unplug it from the household mains socket.
Make sure to turn this system off before unplugging the AC mains lead.
For power consumption of speakers in standby, see right.
Power supply differ depending on the symbols (E, GN, GS) indicated on the packaging box.
AC mains lead connection
Household mains socket
For E, GN
(AC 220 to 240 V, 50 Hz)
For GS
(AC 110 to 240 V, 50/60 Hz)
AC mains lead
Insertion of connector
Even when the connector is perfectly
inserted, depending on the type of inlet used,
the front part of the connector may jut out as
shown in the drawing.
However there is no problem using the system.
6 mm
Appliance inlet
The included AC mains leads are for use with this system only. Do not use them with
other equipment. Also, do not use AC mains lead for other equipment with this system.
Side view
Refer to page 3 for Sales and Support Information (for the United Kingdom and Republic of lreland).
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Více o tomto návodu

Chápeme, že je hezké mít k vašemu Panasonic SB-ZT1 Reproduktor papírovou příručku. Manuál si můžete vždy stáhnout z našich webových stránek a vytisknout si jej sami. Pokud byste chtěli mít originální příručku, doporučujeme vám kontaktovat Panasonic. Možná by byli schopni poskytnout originální návod. Hledáte příručku ke svému Panasonic SB-ZT1 Reproduktor v jiném jazyce? Vyberte si preferovaný jazyk na naší domovské stránce a vyhledejte číslo modelu, abyste zjistili, zda jej máme k dispozici.


Značka Panasonic
Modelka SB-ZT1
Kategorie Reproduktory
Typ souboru PDF
Velikost souboru 3.98 MB

Všechny návody pro Panasonic Reproduktory
Další manuály Reproduktory

Často kladené otázky o Panasonic SB-ZT1 Reproduktor

Náš tým podpory vyhledává užitečné produktové informace a odpovídá na často kladené otázky. Pokud v nich najdete nějakou nepřesnost, kontaktujte nás prostřednictvím našeho kontaktního formuláře.

Chci k televizoru připojit reproduktor pomocí HDMI, který port mám použít? Ověřeno

Musíte použít port HDMI-ARC, který je speciálně vytvořen pro připojení zvukového zařízení.

To bylo užitečné (1382) Přečtěte si více

Co říkají frekvence o mém reproduktoru? Ověřeno

Udává rozsah frekvencí, které může reproduktor produkovat. Větší rozsah frekvencí poskytne větší variaci zvuku a produkuje zvuk vyšší kvality.

To bylo užitečné (750) Přečtěte si více

Kdy je moje hudba příliš hlasitá? Ověřeno

Zvuky nad 80 decibelů (dB) mohou začít poškozovat sluch. Zvuky přes 120 dB okamžitě poškodí sluch. Závažnost poškození závisí na tom, jak často a jak dlouho je zvuk přítomen.

To bylo užitečné (438) Přečtěte si více

Funguje Bluetooth přes stěny a stropy? Ověřeno

Signál Bluetooth bude fungovat skrz stěny a strop, pokud nejsou vyrobeny z kovu. V závislosti na tloušťce a materiálu stěny může signál ztratit na síle.

To bylo užitečné (202) Přečtěte si více

Do jaké úrovně hluku je to pro děti bezpečné? Ověřeno

Děti si poškodí sluch rychleji než dospělí. Proto je důležité nikdy nevystavovat děti hluku vyšším než 85 dB. V případě sluchátek existují speciální modely pro děti. V případě reproduktorů nebo jiných situací, na které musíte dávat pozor, hluk nepřekračuje tuto úroveň.

To bylo užitečné (187) Přečtěte si více
Manuál Panasonic SB-ZT1 Reproduktor

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