Manuál Electrolux EKM5540 Assistent Stolní mixér

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11 How to use the PerfectRiseLid™ *:
The PerfectRiseLid™ isolates and helps to build up the humid environment for the dough to rise in proper
Covering the bowl with the PerfectRiseLid™ keeps the dough from drying out, preventing the formation of a
crust on the surface of the dough, which inhibits the proper rising of the dough which results in a poorer baking
12 How to use the Pulse function*:
If the machine is set to speed 1/P, you can temporarily stop the machine by pressing the “PULSE” button on the
speed selector. Pressing it again will start the machine for 1,5 seconds. If you press continuously the machine will
work as long as you keep the button pressed.
13 Attachment hub: The appliance comes with a built in multipurpose Attachment hub. Read and carefully follow
the instructions that comes with each attachment for correct and safe use.
14 Adjusting the Attachment shaft: The appliance is adjusted at the factory so that the Flat Beater clears the
bottom of the Bowl. If the Flat Beater hits the bottom of the Bowl or is too far away from the sides, you can adjust
it correctly. See 14 for further instructions.
15 Turn the Speed selector to “OFF” and unplug the appliance. Tilt the Motor head back. Use a slotted point Head
screwdriver to adjust the screw. Turn counter clockwise to raise the Attachment shaft, turn clockwise to lower it.
16 Insert the grind screw (B) into the grinder housing (A). Place the knife (C) over the square shaft at the end of
the grind screw. Place the grinding plate (D) (medium or coarse) over the knife. Tighten the ring (E) by hand until
the meat grinder is secured.
Note: Do not over tighten the ring.
17 Open the Attachment hub Lid on the Stand mixer. Fit the Power shaft of the attachment in the Attachment hub
socket on the Stand mixer. Rotate the attachment back and forth if necessary. Tighten the Attachment hub knob
until the attachment is fully fastened.
Caution: Before attaching accessories turn o the appliance and unplug it.
18 Place the food tray over the grinder housing. Cut raw meat into small pieces and place it on the food tray. Plug
in the appliance and turn the speed selector to desired speed (recommended speed: 6-8). Feed the meat into the
feed chute by using the pusher.
Caution: Do not put your ngers or other utensils in the feed chute.
Note: Meat should not contain bones, muscles or skin.
19 How to use the Slicer/Shredder: Choose a Slicer or a Shredder knife (Medium or Course). Insert the shaft (square
end) of the selected Knife into the Slicer/Shredder housing so the shaft ts into square hub socket. Secure the
Knife by pulling the Locking handle downwards.
Caution: The blades and inserts are very sharp!
20 Assemble the Slicer/Shredder in the Attachment hub. Place a container under the attachment. Cut the food
into small pieces. Plug in the appliance and turn the Speed selector to desired speed (recommended speed: 8).
21 Feed the food into the Feed chute by using the Pusher. When nished using your attachment, turn o the
appliance and unplug it. Close the Attachment hub lid and tighten the Attachment hub knob.
22 Unplug the appliance. We recommend that the wire whip, meat grinder* and slicer/shredder* is washed by
hand in warm soapy water.
The bowl, Flat beater, Dough hook, SoftEdgeBeater™* and PerfectRiseLid™* are dishwasher-proof.
Clean the motor unit with a damp cloth. Caution: Never immerse the motor unit in water! Let all parts dry
23 Do not use abrasive cleaners or scouring pads when cleaning the appliance.
Enjoy your new Electrolux product!
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Značka Electrolux
Modelka EKM5540 Assistent
Kategorie Stolní mixéry
Typ souboru PDF
Velikost souboru 6.56 MB

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Chci znát stáří mého spotřebiče Electrolux. Jak to udělám? Ověřeno

Věk vašeho produktu můžete určit pomocí sériového čísla. Toto najdete ve svém zařízení. První znak sériového čísla označuje rok (tj. 1 = 2001) a dva znaky za ním označují týden výroby (tj. 35 = 35. týden daného roku). Sériové číslo 13500016 tedy naznačuje, že stroj je od 35. týdne roku 2001.

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Manuál Electrolux EKM5540 Assistent Stolní mixér

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