Manuál Candy CVG75SWGB Varná deska

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07 GB
To adapt the Hob for use with different types of gas, carry out the
following instructions:
•remove the grids and burners
•insert on hexagonal spanner (7 mm) into the burner support (Figure
•Unscrew the injector and replace it with one suitable for the gas to be
used (see gas type table)
1)As illustrated, assemble parts in sequence:
A: 1/2 Male Adaptor Cylindirical
B: 1/2 Seal
C: 1/2 Female Gas Adaptor Conical-Cylindirical or
2)Tighten the joints with the spanner, remembering to twist the
pipes into position.
3)Attach fitting C to mains gas supply using rigid copper pipe or
flexible steel pipe.
IMPORTANT: carry out a final check for leaks on the pipe
connections using a soapy solution. NEVER USE A FLAME. Also,
make sure that the flexible pipe cannot come into contact with a
moving part of the cabinet (eg.adrawer) and that it is not situated
where it could be damaged.
Warning: If gas can be smelt in the vicinity of this appliance turn off the
gas supply to the appliance and call the engineer directly. Do not
search for a leak with a naked flame.
After lighting the burners, turn the control knob to the minimum setting
and then remove the knob (this can easily be removed by applying
gentle pressure).
Using a small «Terminal» type screwdriver the regulating screw can
be adjusted as in Figure 9. Turning the screw clockwise reduces the
gas flow, whilst turning it anticlockwise increases the flow – Use this
adjustment to obtain a flame of approximately 3 to 4 mm in length and
then replace the control knob.
When the gas supply available is LPG - the screw to set the idle flame
must be turned (clockwise) to the end stop.
When you have carried out the new gas regulation, replace the old gas
rating plate on your appliance with one (supplied with hob) suitable for
the type of gas for which it has been regulated.
This appliance must only be used for the purpose for which it is
intended, domestic cooking, and any other use will be considered
improper and could therefore be dangerous. The Manufacturer will
not be responsible for any damage or loss resulting from improper
To ignite the burners, place a lighted taper close to the burner, press in
and turn the control knob anti-clockwise.
If the burners have not been used for a couple of days, wait for a few
seconds before lighting the burner, this will allow any air present in the
pipes to escape.
For appliances fitted with electronic ignition carry out the following:
push in and turn the knob anticlockwise to the ignition symbol.
ignite the burner by pressing the sparker button.
For hobs fitted with automatic ignition simply push in and turn the knob
to the ignition symbol.
The ignition system will continue to generate sparks as long as the
control knob is being pressed.
If the burner has not ignited within 5 seconds, turn the knob to the 0
position and repeat the operation.
For smaller containers the gas burner should be regulated so that the
flame does not overlap the base of the pan. Vessels with a concave or
convex base should not be used.
The special removable support, supplied with some models,
must be used only on the auxiliary burner.
WARNING: If a flame is accidentally extinguished, turn the knob
to the off position and do not attempt to re-ignite if for at least 1
If over the years the gas taps become stiff to turn it is necessary to
lubricate them.
Such operation must be carried out only by qualified Service
The flexible tube shall be fitted in such a way that it cannot come into
contact with a moveable part of the housing unit (e.g. a drawer) and
does not pass through any space where it may become crushed/
kinked or damaged in any way.
To prevent any potential damage to the hob please carry out the
installation following this sequence (picture 6):
For models fitted with a safety tap (which cuts-off the flow of gas if the
flame is accidentally extinguished) the burners are ignited and
described above, but care must be taken.
Prior to switching on the gas hob ensure that the burners and burner
caps are correctly placed within their position.
For best results, use cooking vessels with a flat surface. The size of
the surface should match the gas burner side as follows. Table A.
Suitability of Cooking Pans (Figure 11)
Keep in mind that larger pans have larger heating surfaces.
This will help them to cook the food faster than pans with smaller heating
Always use pan sizes proportionate to the amount of the food to be
cooked. In order to prevent splashing, do not use very small pans,
especially for foods with excess liquid. If you use excessively large pans
for quick cooked foods, sausages and liquids will stick and residues will
remain attached to the pan after being emptied.
Closed pans and baking trays or moulds are suggested for cooking
sweets. Splashed sugar and juices from an open pan may stick to the
cooker surface and will be difficult to remove.
This is especially important for pans used for roasting or pressurized
cooking at high temperature.
Do not leave burners unattended without a pan or with an empty pan on top.
Check the suitability of cooking pans with respect to the following criteria;
They should be heavy.
They should completely cover the burner surface; they may be a little
bigger but no smaller.
Base surfaces should be completely flat and fit well on the cooking surface.
For the best use of the electric hotplates and to minimize energy
consumption, only pans with smooth flat bases should be used. The size of
the pan should be as close as possible to the diameter of the hotplate, and
never smaller. The base of the pan should be dry and spillage should be
avoided. Empty pans must not be left on the plates, and the plates should
not be left switched on without a pan.
Turn the knob to the position for the required temperature of the hot plate.
The indicator light of the hot plate will come on and the hot plate will start to
When cooking is completed, turn the knob to the O” position. (Figure 10).
Do not leave the hot plate turned on without a pan on it. The diameter and
the base of the pan you use is critical. The maximum diameter of the pan
base is 14 cm and the base should be flat.
Leave the hot plate to heat up for 5 minutes before placing a pan on it the
first time you use it. This will allow the heat resistant coating of the plate to
harden due to burning.
Use a wet cloth and detergent for cleaning the hot plates. Do not remove
food residues from the hot plates with a knife or any other hard, sharp
Turn on the hot plate for a few moments to dry it after cleaning. However, it
must never be left on for more than a few moments without a pan on top.
Power (Watt)
Power (Watt)
100 W
180 W
250 W
500 W
750 W
1000 W
135 W
220 W
300 W
850 W
1150 W
1500 W
Cooking at low temperature
Cooking at low temperature
Cooking, Roasting, Boiling
Cooking, Roasting, Boiling
Cooking, Roasting, Boiling
Table A
Burner Type
Ø pan / pot
Semi Rapid
Quadruple Crown/Double Crown Burner
Ø pan / pot
Mın (cm)
Triple Crown Burner
Stáhnout manuál v český (PDF, 3.42 MB)
(Zvažte dopad na životní prostředí a tento manuál si vytiskněte pouze v případě, že výtisk skutečně potřebujete)



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Chápeme, že je hezké mít k vašemu Candy CVG75SWGB Varná deska papírovou příručku. Manuál si můžete vždy stáhnout z našich webových stránek a vytisknout si jej sami. Pokud byste chtěli mít originální příručku, doporučujeme vám kontaktovat Candy. Možná by byli schopni poskytnout originální návod. Hledáte příručku ke svému Candy CVG75SWGB Varná deska v jiném jazyce? Vyberte si preferovaný jazyk na naší domovské stránce a vyhledejte číslo modelu, abyste zjistili, zda jej máme k dispozici.


Značka Candy
Modelka CVG75SWGB
Kategorie Varné desky
Typ souboru PDF
Velikost souboru 3.42 MB

Všechny návody pro Candy Varné desky
Další manuály Varné desky

Často kladené otázky o Candy CVG75SWGB Varná deska

Náš tým podpory vyhledává užitečné produktové informace a odpovídá na často kladené otázky. Pokud v nich najdete nějakou nepřesnost, kontaktujte nás prostřednictvím našeho kontaktního formuláře.

Které pánve lze použít na indukční varnou desku? Ověřeno

Obecně lze na indukční varnou desku použít všechny pánve, které jsou magnetické.Téměř všechny nové pánve jsou pro indukci přizpůsobené.

To bylo užitečné (1369) Přečtěte si více

Moje varná deska má napájecí zástrčku, která se nehodí do běžné zásuvky, co mám dělat? Ověřeno

Mnoho elektrických varných desek (keramických i indukčních) má jinou zástrčku. Je to proto, že tato zařízení vyžadují hodně energie. Instalaci zařízení nechte provést odborníkem.

To bylo užitečné (1290) Přečtěte si více

Proč zapalování na mém dosahu vydává zvuk kliknutí? Ověřeno

Pokud se rozsah vyčistil velkým množstvím vody, mohlo dojít k namočení knoflíků, což způsobilo spuštění zapalování. Nechte knoflíky uschnout. Pokud problém přetrvává, měli byste se obrátit na výrobce.

To bylo užitečné (1096) Přečtěte si více
Manuál Candy CVG75SWGB Varná deska

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