Manuál Adler AD 7852 Větrák

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Dry "L" mode (room air dehumidification):
1. The up centrifugal fan will run at low speed, and the speed can't be adjusted.
2. The compressor will stop after running 8 minutes, then run again after 6 minutes.
3. The device adopts constant temperature dehumidifying mode, and the adjustment of temperature is no effective.
When operating the device in conditions of varying humidity, the should be constantly open and ensure constant water drain plug (8)
drainage. You can mount the pipe included in the kit to pour water into an external tank or drain.
COOL "K" mode:
1. When the room temperature is higher than set temperature on control panel, the compressor starts to run.
2. When the room temperature is lower than set temperature on control panel, the compressor stop and upper fan operates at
original set speed.
Fan "M" mode.
1. The up centrifugal fan runs at set speed, and the compressor does not run. .
2. The adjustment of temperature is no effective.
Timer operation "N":
1. Press “N” button to set Automatic Off time while the unit is running.
2. Press “N” button to set Automatic On time while the unit is ready.
3. The time can be adjusted within a range of 1 hour to 24 hours by pressing the button "D" + or "E" - .
Sleep mode "I" operation:
1. The sleep mode operations when the unit is under cooling "K" mode.
2. Press the button "I" in cool mode "K" , then the unit will work under sleep mode and the up centrifugal fan will turn to low speed
automatically. The set temperature will increase by 1 after one hour, and increase 2 after two hours. After six hours the unit will
stop running.
Press the button “I” continuously for few seconds to switch on the child lock function, then all buttons at control panel will be
deactivated. To switch off the child lock function press the button “I” for a few seconds again.
Swing "O" mode operation:
When the device is on, press button "O" , will on or off. When it is on, the louver can the louver swing left and right side within 60
degree. Press the button "O" again, the louver will stop swinging.
The main control board has memory function, when the device is ready to run but in stop status, the main control board can
memorize the initialization of working mode. When you turn on the unit, it will work as the same enactment of working-mode as last
time, no need to reset the working mode again. (This condition is not available when the unit is under AUTO mode "J".)
1. Slide the back cover to open and take off the isolating film on the batteries.
2. Put the batteries inside the slot, must be corresponding to the signs of "+" and "-" on the remote control.
3. For long time no use, take out the batteries.
4. To prevent environmental pollution, take out the used batteries and dispose safety and appropriately.
To operate the device, aim the remote controller at the signal receptor. The remote controller will operate the device at distance 5 (4)
meters when pointing at signal receptor of the device.
The protective device may trip and stop the appliance in the cases listed below:
1. at cooling mode: indoor air temperature is over 43°C (109°F)
2. at cooling mode: room temperature is below 15°C (59°F)
3. at dehumidifying mode: room temperature is below 15°C (59°F).
If the device runs in cooling “K” or dry “L” mode with door or window opened for a long time when relative humidity is above 80%,
dew may drip down from the outlet.
The protective device will work in the following cases:
Stáhnout manuál v český (PDF, 4.42 MB)
(Zvažte dopad na životní prostředí a tento manuál si vytiskněte pouze v případě, že výtisk skutečně potřebujete)



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Chápeme, že je hezké mít k vašemu Adler AD 7852 Větrák papírovou příručku. Manuál si můžete vždy stáhnout z našich webových stránek a vytisknout si jej sami. Pokud byste chtěli mít originální příručku, doporučujeme vám kontaktovat Adler. Možná by byli schopni poskytnout originální návod. Hledáte příručku ke svému Adler AD 7852 Větrák v jiném jazyce? Vyberte si preferovaný jazyk na naší domovské stránce a vyhledejte číslo modelu, abyste zjistili, zda jej máme k dispozici.


Značka Adler
Modelka AD 7852
Kategorie Větráky
Typ souboru PDF
Velikost souboru 4.42 MB

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Ovlivňuje ventilátor teplotu místnosti? Ověřeno

Ne, ventilátor pohybuje pouze vzduchem a poskytuje pokožce chladicí účinek.

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Jaké je nejlepší místo pro fanouška? Ověřeno

Pokud existuje zdroj studeného vzduchu, například klimatizace, lze jej použít k lepší a další distribuci studeného vzduchu pomocí ventilátoru. Pokud se používá pouze ventilátor, je nejlepší umístit jej do výšky. Hlava je jednou z částí těla, která nejvíce proniká a pohybující se vzduch pomáhá odvádět teplo. To poskytuje maximální chladicí účinek.

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Manuál Adler AD 7852 Větrák

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